Suaeda nudiflora  (Willd) Moq.
Suaeda nudiflora  (Willd) Moq. 

Prostrate herb, having erect branches, immature twigs green but after maturity it becomes reddish 
Tap roots well developed and deep sunken' tap roots exposed during land erosion 
Internodes not rigid, solid, woody, rough, terete, green 
Leaves simple, alternate, exstipulate, sessile, 3 cm long and 0.3 cm width, oblong-lanceolate, green but after maturity it becomes dark red to reddish 
Spikes at leaf axis, ebracteate, small flowers 0.1 cm long, 0.15 cm across, bisexual, complete, regular, sessile, not showy, erect, hypogynous 
Tepals 5, polytepalous, rosaceous, inferior, imbricate, ovate, acute, entire, fleshy, green, thick, 0.08 cm long and 0.08 cm wide, equal length, glabrous, persistent 
Stamens 5, free, filament white, soft, glabrous, terete, 0.1 cm long, basifixed, exerted, anther bilobed, dark yellow, globose, extrorse, 0.05 cm long 
Carpels 3, syncarpous, ovary superior, 0.05 cm long and 0.05 cm wide, whitish green, succulent, glabrous, single chambered with single ovule, basal placentation 
Style 3, soft, white, glabrous, terminal, stigma 0